ACE Bird Proofing

Gulls and Botulism

Case Study: Gulls and Botulism

The problem: 

Dead seagulls taken from the roof of a packaging manufacturer and delivered to an Auckland laboratory showed that death was caused by BOTULISM, one of the deadliest food poisoning organisms known. Food-borne Botulism is a nerve toxin made by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.  The spores of the bacterium are found world-wide in soil, the sediments of streams, lakes, river and sea. At this site the seagulls were collecting Pipi and other shellfish from the adjacent mud-flats.

The packaging industry is an important link in the ‘food chain’.  The contamination risks from leaking nail holes on roofs, discharge of roof water contaminated with bird excreta onto yard areas, or feathers and nesting materials getting into the food or packaging production areas through roof vents is a risk most food businesses would want to avoid.

When considering implementation of a bird proofing system, there’s a need to look beyond the costs of putting preventative measures into place. So do consider the on-going building maintenance costs:

  • Faecal defacing of the building

  • ‘Loss control’ for goods production and storage arising from bird contamination

  • Health risks to staff, bird mite bites, contaminated tools & equipment etc.


The solution:

This client did take action and made their premises a lot safer. In conjunction with Ace Birdproofing, they implemented the following measures:

  • Reduced access by small birds through open doorways

  • Closed up ridge louvres (to stop gull feathers from entering the premises)

  • Put filters into rooftop air intakes and vents (to prevent feather or nesting materials from entering the premises)

  • Arranged for the cleaning of the roofs and gutters to regain good rainwater flow and avoid further, if occasional internal flooding.
